Article "Score Disclosure" has been accepted for publication in Economic Journal. Authors: Mikhail Drugov, Levent Celik
Article "Score Disclosure" has been accepted for publication in Economic Journal. Authors: Mikhail Drugov, Levent Celik
Article "Job Displacement Costs of Phasing Out Coal" has been published in Journal of Public Economics. Authors: Gerhard Toews, Michael Simmons, Fernando Aragon and Juan Pablo Rud
Paper "Fraud Power Laws" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Accounting Research. Authors: Davide Cianciaruso, Edwige Cheynel, Frank S. Zhou
14:15, 13 February — 15:30, 13 February | Moscow, Nobel Str., 3 (NES and ONLINE)
18:00, 6 February — 19:15, 6 February | (ONLINE (ZOOM))
13:45, 5 February — 15:00, 5 February | (ONLINE (ZOOM))
17:00, 3 February — 18:15, 3 February | (ONLINE (ZOOM))
16:00, 29 January — 17:15, 29 January | Moscow, Nobel Str., 3 (NES and ONLINE)