Статья "Retail sales of durable goods, inventories and imports after large devaluations" опубликована в Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. Автор: Валерий Черноокий
Статья "Retail sales of durable goods, inventories and imports after large devaluations" опубликована в Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. Автор: Валерий Черноокий
Статья "International risk sharing and optimal monetary policy in a small commodity-exporting economy" опубликована в Russian Journal of Money and Finance. Автор: Валерий Черноокий
Статья "The effects of global shocks on small commodity-exporting economies. Lessons from Canada" опубликована в American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. Автор: Валерий Черноокий
Статья "The Effects of Global Shocks on Small Commodity-Exporting Economies. Lessons from Canada" опубликована в American Economic Journal: Macro, 2014, 6(2): 207-237. Авторы: Валерий Черноокий, Juan Dolado