Мастер-класс Анастасии Усановой «Как подготовиться к собеседованию и успешно его пройти»
19:00, 22 ноября — 20:30, 22 ноября | Москва, ОНЛАЙН (РЭШ)
ВСЕГО получили степень PhD - 281 человек
Преподают в вузах мира - 188 человек
Из них получили tenure - 55 человек
Университеты, в которых преподают выпускники РЭШ, получившие степень PhD
МВШСЭН (Шанинка) | Oberlin College |
МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова | Ohio State University |
НИУ ВШЭ | Pace University |
РАНХиГС | Princeton University |
СВФУ им. М.К.Аммосова | Rotman |
Тилбургский университет | Rutgers University |
Университет Помпеу Фабра |
School of Economics and Finance at Queen Mary University of London
Университетский Колледж Лондона | Simon Fraser University |
ЦЭМИ | Southern Denmark University |
American University | Southern Methodist University |
Aston University | Stanford University |
Australian National University | State University of New York |
BEROC | Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics |
Bocconi University | Tel Aviv University |
Boston College | Temple University |
Boston College, Boston, MA | The Open University Business School |
Cardiff University | The University of Utah |
Carnegie Mellon University | Tilburg School of Economics and Management |
Carroll School of Management, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA | Toulouse School of Economics |
Center for Monetary and Financial Studies | United Nations University |
Central European University | Université Paris-Dauphine - PSL, Paris, France |
CERGE-EI | University Colledge London |
City University of New York | University College London |
Clemson University | University of Bern |
College of William & Mary | University of Bonn |
Copenhagen University | University of British Columbia |
Cornell University | University of Calgary |
Durham University | University of California, Berkeley |
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales | University of California, Davis |
Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance | University of California, Irvine |
Emory University | University of California, Los Angeles |
Florida Institute of Technology | University of California, Riverside |
George Mason University | University of California, Santa Cruz |
Georgetown University | University of Cambridge |
Harvard Business School | University of Chicago |
Harvard University | University of Colorado at Boulder |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem | University of Glasgow |
Hong Kong University | University of Gothenburg |
Humboldt University of Berlin | University of Iowa |
IE Business School | University of Liverpool |
INSEAD | University of Mannheim |
Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse | University of Melbourne |
Institutions and Political Economy Research Group, University of Barcelona, Spain |
University of Michigan |
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health | University of Navarra |
Johns Hopkins University | University of New South Wales |
King’s College London | University of North Carolina at Charlotte |
Konkuk University | University of Nottingham |
Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE e.V. | University of Ottawa |
London Business School | University of Rochester |
London School of Economics | University of South Carolina |
Macquarie University | University of Sydney |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | University of Texas at Dallas |
McMaster University | University of Tokyo |
Michigan State University | University of Toronto |
MIT | University of Vienna |
Nazarbayev University | University of Virginia |
New Economic School | University of Western Ontario |
New York University | University of Winsonsin - Madison |
Northeastern University | Waseda Institute for Advanced Study |
Northern Illinois University | WASEDA University |
Northwestern University | Yale School of Management |
Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen, Norway | York University |
Nova School of Business and Economics |